Executive Leadership Coaching Services

All my coaching programmes begin with an exploration of what your expectations for coaching are, any previous experiences with coaches you may have had and how you would like us to work together. This progress to a vision board experience where you can spend time finding out what you are working towards and discovering the steps necessary to achieve this.

We then work together to establish exactly you would like to work on during your coaching sessions with me and for how long you would like the programme to last for. All sessions include a follow up summary note detailing key actions and next steps, along with recommendations relating to resources and exercises that will help you with this.

Packages typically cover 3, 6 or 12 months and include:

  • An introduction exploration session.
  • Two one-hour coaching sessions per month.
  • Session summary with notes and next steps
  • Recommendations of tools and resources.
  • End of programme review.
Image of a lady writing in a notebook as they find out more about executive leadership coaching with Sally Anderson

Although every programme is bespoke to you and adapted to your personal needs and aspirations, here is a general summary of the types of things covered in each programme.

Leadership coaching  

Leadership coaching focuses on a person’s ability to think strategically and clearly on goals and aspirations and work with people successfully to achieve these. A key part of being a good leader is knowing your own style and working with others to gain trust, inspire confidence and get the best from people. There are many benefits associated with leadership coaching including feeling empowered in your role, having new insight to a problem, thinking freely, enhanced performance and improved communication ( Insala 2109 Why Is Leadership Coaching Important? | Insala Blog)

This option typically covers the following:

  • My Leadership style
  • Leadership – successes and challenges
  • Leading teams
  • Leading for success
  • Leading an emotionally strong & resilient team

Executive coaching

To be a high performing executive you need to be self-aware, resilient and confident in the decisions you make. This programme will support you to explore all these elements and more.

Options for this element include:

  • My style
  • Performing as an exec or senior leader
  • Performance optimisation
  • Presentation and engagement
  • Adapting to change and challenge.
  • Communication and presentation
  • Strategic thinking and sustained change

Career transition

Change is constant and comes in many forms. One of the biggest changes can be associated with changes in the workplace, between roles, promotions, changes in hours to suit a better work life balance or it may be that you want to change your career completely and do something totally different. If this is the case, this is the package for you. It can be focused on:

  • Reasons for change
  • Benefits and barriers
  • Confidence in managing change.
  • Self-awareness
  • Values and how they influence you
  • What does success looks like?
  • Managing expectations

Women’s coaching

This package is aimed specifically at women focused on both personal and professional goals and aspirations. It may be that you want support to achieve life focused around health or wellbeing or gaining confidence at recognition at work.

This package may include:

  • Reasons for change
  • Benefits of change
  • What change/success looks like
  • Barriers to change
  • Knowing yourself
  • Tools and resources to support change

I started coaching sessions with sally following a contact through NHSE menopause group. I wanted to commit to focus time on myself and understand more about coaching and where I was heading in my career. Sally was organised. professional and reliable. This was really important as she set the scene for sessions and from the outset I felt listened too and valued.

Sally ‘s interpersonal skills were key for me. They enabled me to open up when exploring area such as career choices, hobbies and self-evaluation. She was an active listener and I learnt very quickly that coaching was not advice but a vehicular to self-exploration. This required me to think about responses, consider what to bring or discuss at the sessions and complete tasks that I had set myself during our time together.

It felt like we were both learning and sharing at times which worked for me and provided an equality in the sessions.
I enjoyed the sessions and built a relationship with Sally based on honesty and openness.

The coaching went beyond myself as I spoke about family and too family about what I was covering. The more Sally explored my thoughts ideas and feeling the more I could hear myself talking and that I had the solutions and power to change or not change things in my life.

Fear and perception at different stages of our life, particularly mine in the menopause can have a different impact on you and I would encourage anyone to invest time in themselves. Coaching for me with Sally was interesting, enlightening and fun. I made a few changes since this work and know my rational for these decisions.

I would recommend Sally as a coach, her approach is gentle, engaging and compassionate.

Kathy Kelly - July 2023

Contact me to find out how my executive coaching services can help you